Ri'Xia Na'ir

Brewery Owner, Mercenary, Wanderer

  • Wanted Woman (Common)- Travel in bounty hunting circles? Well, then you've seen her face on several wanted posters and mark boards, all of them for things ranging from theft to more serious crimes. She's got a pretty big price on her head.

  • Limsan Legend (Common)- Limsan natives wil recognize her, more so for her well known Better Note Brewery that takes up a sizeable portion of Aleport and Wineport's countryside. She's even got an expansion in the works out in the Far East.

  • Multi Lingual (Common)- Ri speaks many languages, thanks to her need to do so for her business. Fluent in Common, Xaelic, Garlean, and multiple forms of sign language, communicating with her is a breeze.

  • Black Market Beauty (Rare)- Ri's not known for being the most upstanding of citizens. You need something illicit or hard to find? Ri's got it, or is willing to get it for you for a nice little fee. Whether that's information, arms, drugs, or harder to find artifacts, she's got it, or knows someone who does.

  • Demon of the Dotharl (Rare- Will lead to Dark RP) - If your character is a Xaela with a tribal background, you've heard this moniker and many rumors spread about a now fabled Dotharl warrior that was absolutely ruthless. Taking part in numerous tribal massacres, raids, and great battles at the Nadaam under the Dotharl tribe. This, though, is not something she takes too kindly to remembering, so interact with this hook if you're comfortable with conflict and tension.

Name: Ri'Xia Na'irPhonetically: Ri-zha Nah-ear
Aliases: Ri, Riya, Rix, Red
Age: 34
Gender: Non-binary
Pronouns: She/They/It
Height: 4'9
Build: Muscled
Sexuality: Pansexual
Relationships: Taken, poly
Occupation: Brewery owner

Don't. Stop. Memories Hurt.

  • View Greystone: One of the few men to ever hold her heart and stick with it, View and Ri started as close friends, and with that closeness, came love.

  • Jonny Koban: As smug as the man may be, he found a quick friend in Ri's company, and even more so in the start of business between her brewery and his hometown. Safe to say, where one goes in the Far East, the other is sure to follow.

  • Celethorn Greyhame: From life, death, and back again, these two share an unspoken bond that seems to stand any trial and tribulation thrown at them.

  • Lain Aurash: Vermin. Filth. A Rat amongst fine linens and pearls. This one took a liking to her, and the pair continue their fighting like dogs chasing tails. Around, and around, and around.


Rules of Engagement

  • I ask that any who RP with me be over the age of 18 for my own personal comfort and safety. This is non negotiable.

  • Do not blend IC and OOC. Period.

  • Ri'Xia is polyamorus. She is flirtatious and direct. This is something that will NEVER change about her. She is also taken. Her flirting does not lead to free and easy ERP.

  • No Homophobia, Racism, Transphobia, or anything alluding to such will be tolerated. This includes calling trans women 'Futa' or 'trap'.

  • I WILL NOT RP anything involving: Miscarriage, Domestic Violence/Abusive Relationships, or Child Abuse. If these topics are brought up without my prior consent, I will disengage from the RP Immediately.

  • I am no stranger to Dark RP or mature themes that might make one uncomfortable. However, I ask that any Dark RP be done without the intent of fetishizing said subjects.

  • You can find me on Discord under the username ofoceansandarrows. Feel free to reach out.